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First month since Herbalife

Hi my loves! Welcome back!

I hope you are all doing alright, do not forget to care for yourself!

Let's hop to my short post, enjoy!

In this blogpost I will talk more about the first results I gained since I have started with Herbalife. I started on the 5th of October originally. I started drinking shakes since 9th so almost a month ago.

I had already told you that I have lost 2 kgs and that I feel more fit since I have been drinking the formula 1 shakes in Cappuccino flavour.

Well now I just lost like 3 kgs but the results were not so promising, I lost 4 centimetres but two weeks after the measurements I gained 0,5 centimetres back and I gained fat. Instead of gaining more muscles. It is because I was sick and my appetite dropped at the moment so I was not really eating very much. I started eating more yogurts and they have fats. I did not consume enought proteins so that is why I lose weight but lose weight in muscles which means I gain more fat percentage.

I also realised that I am lactose intolerant, which is why I cannot drink too much milk when I make my shakes. So I solved this one by pouring a very little amount of milk and the rest with water. It is less tasty but I do not like the milk powders and I do not like to spend money on Alpro soya milk products because they are expensive.

Second solution is mixing formule 1 shake with yoghourt and bananas. Two spoons of cappuccino powder or vanilla cream powder and +- 300 ml yogurt with one or two bananas. Take the more ripe ones because they will taste sweeter. Or if you like pre-ripe bananas because of their little sourish taste. It is all up to you! If you love the vanille-flavoured one you can add apples and a little spritz of cinnamon.

It does not look very appetizing, I can garantee that it is sweet and delicious. And my abdomen does not hurt or have loud sounds after eating yogurt so it is better than drinking the shakes to be honest.

Also do not make the same mistake as me by not eating enough between meals because your system should have enough energy to survive. Take some nuts or protein bars in your pocket or purse so you always have one with you.

Thank you very much for the ones who are reading every post. And thank you for the support!

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With love, bye and take care! xoxo


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