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How to turn bad habits into good


I hope you are all doing fine! Ready to dive into my next post? here it comes!

Have you stayed in your couch for too long? Started jogging but quit after 2 days? Have you felt tired all the time? Did you ever feel that people are just lucky that they are in a good shape? Have you been struggling with your body image for a long time? You are not alone. I have been through this too. And in this post I will describe my journey the ups and the downs and what has let me to change my bad habits.

I have been struggling with body image for as long as I can remember. I have never felt good in my skin. When I started gaining weight I was like oh my metabolism is not as good as it was before. And I was only 19 years old. I lost track of staying consistent. I stopped working out, I stopped jogging. I ate what my ex boyfriend ate, mostly foods with a lot of fat and carbs. I became more and more a couch sitter. I was more of a complainer than I took action.

Thinking back, I should have already taken action, starting working out. But nope. After some amount of time I had that terrible break up out of the blue. Which turned me into another extreme. Instead of eating or just cutting off some bad foods. Nope, first of all I started losing weight because of the stress, secondly I quit eating. So I instantly lost 11 kgs in 2 months. Which is not okay. It is really something I will never recommend doing this.

In this post I am going to tell you this: do not over eat but do not under eat. Both of them are dangerous and I do not recommend this at all.

After a while I got somehow over it but then the eating started and I regained the 10 kgs back. So I went from 52 to 62 kgs very fast. The jojo-effect kicked in back then. I tried to lose it, but no result because I was inconsistent with my eating habit and working out habits.

I actually was a person who was always in control of things in my life. When I was 18 I regained control of everything, back then I lost weight, I worked out almost every day. Then I had also two hours of PE. I had very high grades. I was consistent with planning and organizing my work and school tasks/projects.

I very much lost that after I met some guy. Because I was not in control anymore. And some people might say, or have even said to me that I am very much of a control freak. You can put it that way if you want to. But it helps me stay consistent. It helps me being in shape and active. Back then I also did not learn that I cannot be in control of things that are out of my hand. Now I pretty much learnt to accept that bad things happen. That there will always be struggles.

I also learnt that even if I was skinny, I was not happy. It is all between my ears that I should be this or should be that. The thing is I should do what really makes me happy. Am I happy with weighing 62 kgs or am I happy weighing 56 kgs? Am I happy laying in my bed for 24 hours or am I happy when I get skinnier but fitter?

I started to think, I need structure and I need to change some habits.

I was still eating a lot of sugars which are not good, it made me very energetic but it made me also very tired during the day. Above all I did not even eat in the morning. Which is very bad. The combination of being a lazy person did not help.

Side note: my whole family suffers from overweight, some of them have high blood pressures. I thought maybe I am next one in line to suffer from these things. Something tells me that this was a wake up alarm. I finally needed to face it and wake up.

So after someone I take classes with, proposed to start with Herbal life I said yes.

In my next posts I will tell more about the products I use and why I use them. I mainly started using herbal life to drink shakes in the morning. So I do not stay hungry when I go to classes.

I am really looking forward to the results of starting this journey. But staying consistent is something I should keep in mind.

You do not need to cut off kgs, or to become jealous of someone who looks skinny or looks better. Because you should focus on yourself. If you want to become healthier then do it. It is all up to you. You are the one who makes choices and no one is allowed to do that for you. But stop comparing yourself to others. I am talking from my experiences and it made me feel worse about myself than I already did.

I am doing this blog just to show myself and you guys, that even with having a couple of bad habits, you can change it. Step by step, you can start over again when you have a cheat day. But never ever give up when you have a goal. For me it was easier to start this journey and it was even an instant switch, starting a student job, starting different studies and writing blogposts. Mainly the blog has made me think about showing you how I can change and do something healthy and good for myself and mainly my body.

Just to make things clear, I have a normal BMI and a normal weight. But I feel like when I keep up staying in my bad habits that I might completely lose track and keep on gaining weight. So I do this more of a prevention and to discipline myself. Because after a few years I might not just think about myself but also for kids. And if I tell them that they should eat their breakfast, they'll tell me no because I do not eat breakfast myself. I just want to become a good influence later on.

What I am mainly going to do for my next posts, is measure my results and give you my opinion about the products I eat/ drink. I also started to work out again, quit chocolate, ... This will be discussed in one of my next blogposts!


Stay save and take care of yourselves!

See ya! x

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